Friday, February 12, 2010


It's valentines day weekend and what am I going to do???.....

1. Watch Dear John (check)

2. Cry my eyes out (check/ happened while watching movie)

3. Eat Chocolate (naturally) *Note not just a valentines day occurance*

4. Have a girls only weekend (just two days then check)

5. Enjoy my Single Awareness Day (sure thing)

Yes Ma'am that pretty much sums up my weekend.

I have to say that I love going out with the girls, we talk, laugh, cry and that's just in the first ten minutes. I'm finding out the guys are like Rubik's cube .. multi-colored, confusing and confusing (just in case I didn't share that part)
But we women are Rubik's cubes ourselves we on the other hand are one solid color, not confusing just everything flowing and meshing together.
Men must have their boxes and compartments, we on the other hand enjoy our mush pots, our casseroles if you will.

Wow, I have the weirdest thoughts sometimes (aren't you glad I share them with you!) I bet you are now asking yourself why in the world you're reading this and why do I write this down? Some thoughts are better left in the head and not said.. right?? Well I'm a walking twitter ... it's all coming out (Insert laugh here) :)

Well that's all I have to say for now ...

One last thing :) Go see Dear John and bring some tissue because you'll need it, oh' the chocolate don't forget that ....

1 comment:

  1. You're cute.:)

    LOVED having a date night with you.

    Love our Rubik cube analogy.

    But I'm sure that men would say that we, too, are confusing. We're confusing to them, they're confusing to us....just makes life interesting!!

    Love you!
